Well, here we are, over a fortnight into 2021. A few months ago we were not anticipating that this is where we would be. The news is heart-breaking every day, and sadly some of you may have felt the direct impact of Covid on your family and friends. All of you will have felt it on your daily lives, work and livelihoods. We also know that many of you will have had your wedding dreams shattered, maybe some of you for the second or third time. I also must mention #whataboutweddings for all the many wedding industry suppliers who find themselves still in impossible situations with little or no support.
This all sound very bleak, doesn’t it? However, we still feel hopeful.
Daily we are heartened to hear from couples, still planning, be it for one or two years in the future, or later this year, cautiously, but realistically optimistic for perhaps a smaller affair. We thank all of you for this and being our “light”.
We hope that we can return the favour by being as reassuring and supportive to you as we can be. As a business we are constantly reviewing what we do, how we can improve, be more efficient, add value. However, we can now add to that list – “how can we be completely flexible to help our customers trying to plan the best day of their lives in a pandemic?”
So, what have we done you might be asking?
Well, as The Illustrated Invitation we have:
designed a new set of packages, including two Covid specific ones
produced a Covid Guarantee to give you peace of mind and clear options if the worst happens and you have to re-schedule.
Come up with wording and additional cards which you can include with your invitations if you need to let your guests know in advance what will happen should restrictions still be in place on your day. Such as letting them know when/how you will update them on any changes, or a back-up date to keep free if you have to push arrangements back.
Contacted any of our customers who we think may be immediately impacted – but if you have not heard from us and have any concerns, please get in touch for a chat.
Updated our website to reflect the above changes – it’s still under construction though, so please bear with us if you spot the odd typo!

As The Alternative Guest Book we have:
Updated our blogs to include Covid related information.
Devised a new way of including guests on your frame who are unable to attend your wedding. This means that you will still have a memory of all your loved ones on your day, and it will help them to feel part of it too.
We can offer smaller sizes of frames (see below), should you have a few less messages than usual, and you have not chosen the postal message card option.
We will work with you to design your message cards, but then will hold them on file ready to print until as close to your wedding as possible.
For any of our customers who were affected by Covid last year, and who had already had their message cards printed we have undertaken to do a reprint of these for free for their new date.

The aim of this blog is to give you some hope that you can still plan your wedding with confidence and know that we will work with you. Whatever your decision on your wedding, whether it’s to go intimate and soon, or go large, but a bit later, we wish you all the luck in the world with achieving the day that is right for you. Because that is who this is about. You two and no one else.
Team Illustrated xx